Friends of St Helena
Providing information about the island of St Helena
Regular issues of Wirebird and St Helena Connection magazines
Books published on the history and culture of St Helena
Regular meetings in London and elsewhere
Access to a major online database of St Helena ancestry
Links to St Helena books, papers, reports and other information

Our 2024 member meeting will take place on 5th October 2024 at the Victory Club, Marble Arch, London.  The featured speaker will be JOE HOLLINS, talking about his book VET AT THE END OF THE EARTH: for more details see our 'Next Meeting' page.


The Friends of St Helena is a charity founded in March 1988 and has two aims:

To provide information about St Helena, including its history, culture, environment and current affairs and to provide practical support to the St Helenian community.

  • In recent years our AGMs have been held in October each year at the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch, London. At the meetings, we invite speakers on a range of subjects relevant to St Helena and we also show films.
  • We publish The St Helena Connection, a news magazine twice a year and Wirebird relating to the island's history once a year.
  • We also publish social-historical books under our Wirebird imprint which are available at a reduced price to members.
  • We have supported local projects such as the development the Museum of St Helena in Jamestown, and we expect soon to engage in a major funding exercise for the proposed St Helena Cultural Centre, both in conjunction with the St Helena Heritage Society.

FEATURED RESOURCE: We have added a link to the UK Parliamentary Debates about St Helena since 1800, as recorded in Hansard: see  This is a fascinating resource that illustrates very well the ways in which Her/His Majesty's Government have dealt with St Helena down the years.  The debate about Napoleon's captivity is well worth reading too.  See our Library and Links pages (under the 'About St Helena' option in the menu' for many more resources and links.

With St Helena's broadband internet capacity having recently increased thanks to the Equiano undersea cable, we are interested in hearing about any new sources of information, which may previously have been too bandwidth-heavy (such as high-resolution images, live streams of events, video blogs etc) being published on-Island. If you know of, or are responsible for, any such resources, our webmaster Drew Whitworth ( would love to hear about them.

St Helena Connection


  • Published twice yearly
  • Sent free to members
  • Published since 2006
  • The official news magazine of the Friends of St Helena
  • Members have access to an archive of editions online


  • Annually available
  • Sent free to members
  • Published since 1990
  • The history journal of Friends of St Helena
  • Members have access to an archive of editions online

Books Published by the Society

Our Photos

St Helena Photo Gallery


If you have an interest in St Helena's history, culture or spectacular natural history why not join us to find out more about these topics, meet others with similar interests and get involved with helping to promote the Society's activities.

Why join?